Release notes


  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the Zlib codec to ensure it can handle bytearray objects under Python 2.7 (#57).
  • Restricted the numcodecs.categorize.Categorize codec to object (‘O’) and unicode (‘U’) dtypes and disallowed bytes (‘S’) dtypes because these do not round-trip through JSON configuration.



  • Resolved an issue where providing an array with dtype object as the destination when decoding could cause segaults with some codecs (#55).



  • Revert the default shuffle argument to SHUFFLE (byte shuffle) for the numcodecs.blosc.Blosc codec for compatibility and consistency with previous code.


  • The numcodecs.blosc.Blosc codec has been made robust for usage in both multithreading and multiprocessing programs, regardless of whether Blosc has been configured to use multiple threads internally or not (#41, #42).
  • The numcodecs.blosc.Blosc codec now supports an AUTOSHUFFLE argument when encoding (compressing) which activates bit- or byte-shuffle depending on the itemsize of the incoming buffer (#37, #42). This is also now the default.
  • The numcodecs.blosc.Blosc codec now raises an exception when an invalid compressor name is provided under all circumstances (#40, #42).
  • The bundled version of the c-blosc library has been upgraded to version 1.12.1 (#45, #42).
  • An improvement has been made to the system detection capabilities during compilation of C extensions (by Prakhar Goel; #36, #38).
  • Arrays with datetime64 or timedelta64 can now be passed directly to compressor codecs (#39, #46).


The bundled c-blosc libary has been upgraded to version 1.11.3 (#34, #35).


New codecs:

Other changes:

Maintenance work:

  • A data fixture has been added to the test suite to add some protection against changes to codecs that break backwards-compatibility with data encoded using a previous release of numcodecs (#30, #33).


This release includes a small modification to the script to provide greater control over how compiler options for different instruction sets are configured (#24, #27).


New codecs:

Other new features:

  • The numcodecs.lzma.LZMA codec is now supported on Python 2.7 if backports.lzma is installed (John Kirkham; #11, #13).
  • The bundled c-blosc library has been upgraded to version 1.11.2 (#10, #18).
  • An option has been added to the numcodecs.blosc.Blosc codec to allow the block size to be manually configured (#9, #19).
  • The representation string for the numcodecs.blosc.Blosc codec has been tweaked to help with understanding the shuffle option (#4, #19).
  • Options have been added to manually control how the C extensions are built regardless of the architecture of the system on which the build is run. To disable support for AVX2 set the environment variable “DISABLE_NUMCODECS_AVX2”. To disable support for SSE2 set the environment variable “DISABLE_NUMCODECS_SSE2”. To disable C extensions altogether set the environment variable “DISABLE_NUMCODECS_CEXT” (#24, #26).

Maintenance work:

  • CI tests now run under Python 3.6 as well as 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 (#16, #17).
  • Test coverage is now monitored via coveralls (#15, #20).


Fixed project description in


First release. This version is a port of the codecs module from Zarr 2.1.0. The following changes have been made from the original Zarr module:

  • Codec classes have been re-organized into separate modules, mostly one per codec class, for ease of maintenance.
  • Two new codec classes have been added based on 32-bit checksums: numcodecs.checksum32.CRC32 and numcodecs.checksum32.Adler32.
  • The Blosc extension has been refactored to remove code duplications related to handling of buffer compatibility.